Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Otunu blames Museveni for Ombaci massacre, poverty, declininig standards of education in West Nile

Otunu asked Arua people not to vote for Museveni and blamed him

He said that Museveni and the people around him like his ministers, commanders, secretaries etc are all corrupt. They steal the money of this country which would have been used to develop other sectors like health, education, agriculture etc. Museveni did not only bring poverty in Busoga, but also jiggers. He therefore referred to Museveni as a president and chief of stealing.

“I have been around here and seen children moving naked due to poverty and this has broken my heart a lot”. The people of Arua are hard working people who do not deserve that. He said that it is a programmed poverty because Museveni repeatedly said that he is happy when people are poor and if the people of Arua do not give him votes, they will suffer from poverty. Therefore it is a deliberate poverty planned by Museveni. He then referred to Museveni as a president of poverty and destruction because he destroyed all the institutional structures that he found in Uganda like banks, schools, hospitals, roads etc.


  1. The campaign was not centered on the UPC party Manifesto but past evils of regimes and may cause provocation. I advise Parties to concentrate on what they can offer for the citizens of Uganda depending on their (regional) needs.

  2. Is the display of Skulls of Lwero Triangle on the screens of televisions playing the same game? If the evils pointed out such as these are fought and corrected; wouldn't there be development brought in the areas.
    To me it right to point the evils to give direction for the future.
