Friday, November 26, 2010


Nomination of the parliamentary aspirants ended sucessfully for the first day across the 7 dsitricts of Acholi sub region yesterday.
In Gulu, A total of 11 people were nominated yesterday while 17 others are set to be nominated today 26/11/2010.
The nominees for Aswa county included Johnson Olwa Agara NRM, Odokonyero Charles for peoples progressive party, and Patrick Okello Onguti independent.

While for omoro county were Jacob Olanya of NRM, Simon Toolit Akecha of FDC, Robert Mugabe PPP, for Gulu municipality seat they included Timothty Jokene as an indepedent and FDCs christopher Acire.
For women parliamentary seat were the incumbent Betty Aol Ocan FDC,Grace Auma Okello for UPC and christine Atimango Odongo for DP.

other candiddates set to be nominated today include Charles Okwera,Reagan Okumu, Dr.Freddy Oyat, Peter Okot, Micheal Ochora, Hillary Olweny, Odong Latek Stephen, Emmanuel Mwaka Lutukumoi and Dan Oola Odiya , others are Denis Okema,Dr.yolam Okech and Julius Kinyera among others

in Amuru district there were only 6 candidates nominated. they included Oliba Boniface of Uganda Federal Alliance, Lanam Kidega independent as well as Jane Okilli independent for woman MP and the incumbent Aciro Concy. They were nominated in the morning hours.
others nominated in the afternoon included Athony Akol FDC, incumbent Micheal Ocula and Francis Otim for Democratic Party.

Those to be nominated today includes Gilbert ulanya independent, Geoffrey Okot Bidong independent, Wilfred Openy independent and NRMs betty Bigombe for the woman parliamentary seat.

CEW-IT reporter on the ground says former PRDP comissioner; Elisaberth Alimadi Ocitti who had earlier said she has pulled out of Amuru politics is most likely to present herself for nomination today,
He said he recieved unconfirmed report that alimadi confided in her supporters that she will be nominated today as an independent. before she had said on a radio intervierw with mega FM that she is no longer interested in politics after her petition against the NRM flag bearer Betty Bigombe was thrown out by the partys electoral tribunal over lack of evidence.

in Nwoya district, a total of 4 people were nominated while 6 are set to be nominated today.

former presidential advisor Richard Todwong was the firts to be nominated sending his supportes into frenzy of ululation,druming, singing and dancing.

Others were jeru Abukha UPC, Lilly Adong NRM and UPCs Ojok Filda mary lanyero whose nomination is pending for failling to present the signatiure of the party secretary and instead brought brought for the partys dsitrict chairman.

mean while, two candidates were denied nomination after they failed to produce the required documents,
they include Geofrrey Okello for DP, and Betty Agwech on independent.
Okello was thrown out after he failed to produce the certicicate for his A Level studies and the signature of the partys secretary while Agwech failed to produce her O and A level original certificates.
they are expected to present themselves for nomination today together with the four other people after producing the required documents.

Nomination in Pader district was conducted with 6 people nominated for Aruu county and the woman parliamentary seat respectively.
they include incumbent FDCs Samuel Odonga Otto for Aruu county, Kidega Nok Nabison NRM, Vincent Okot Ogutta DP and Justine Odong indepedent.

while for the woman MP Parliamnetatry seat include fromer LRA peace negotiator Santa Okot for PPP and Hilda Labol Ketty for FDC.
Other candidates to be nominated today include Catherine Atim DP, Stella Grace ogwang independent and Lowila CD Okettayot NRM for woman parliamentary seat.
others are Charles Yomoi PPP and John Richard Otema independent for Aruu county.

Odonga Otto slaughtered 10 bulls for his suppoters from the 12 sub counties as part of his celebration for the nomination

In Agago dsitrict 6 people were nominated including the leader of opposition in parliament prof. Moris Ogenga Latigo, and Pader woman MP franca Akello FDC for Agago woman MP seat.

others included Alex Okidi Oyo UPC, John Amos Okot NRM, Florence Okio independent and Irene Ogenga independent, DPs Christopher Okidi is expected to be nominated today with others.

In kitgum district ,9 candidates were nominated, they included incumbent woman MP Beatrice Anywar Atim FDC, Jane Aciro opio nrm, Richard Pacoto independent and dr. omona kizito on independent. others are Abraham Aturu darabim on indepedent, Oryem Okello Henry NRM, Simon Loum indepedent, Wester Lukwiya PPP and Milton Lakwo FDC.

Others who are booked for today include jonathan okeny DP, the incumbent Livinstone Okello Okello UPC, Norah Adokorach Odur UPC and Henry Ractoo Obalim indepndent.

In Lamwo district, 7 people were noinated including the incumbent who is the energy minister ,NRM Hillary Onek, Anthony Okullo Abuka FDC, george Okello Lucimo UPC, Santa mary angeyoUPC and sara lanyero NRM.

Others are Molly Lanyero independent and Vicky Lajara FDC
only James Ochola was booked for today.

However, CEW-IT observers were blocked from acessing the office of the electoral commison in Gulu in the moring hours because of lack of proper identification.

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